Painting & Rendering
Textured floor (Scout's Guide production photo)
Textured floor (Scout's Guide production photo)
Wood texturing
Wood texturing
Brain floor pattern (Goodbye, Doctor production photo)
Brain floor pattern (Goodbye, Doctor production photo)
Study of Portrait of Armand Roulin by Vincent Van Gogh
Study of Portrait of Armand Roulin by Vincent Van Gogh
Cave proscenium rendering
Cave proscenium rendering
Prop Fabrication
Upholstery project
Upholstery project
Period French newspaper (Goodbye, Doctor production photo)
Period French newspaper (Goodbye, Doctor production photo)
Folk magic jewelry set
Folk magic jewelry set
Decapitated head (The Bacchae production photo)
Decapitated head (The Bacchae production photo)
Model Making
1/2" scale model of horror hotel
1/2" scale model of horror hotel
1" scale model of archive shelf from Describe the Night
1" scale model of archive shelf from Describe the Night
1/4" scale model of Blood Wedding
1/4" scale model of Blood Wedding
1/4" scale model of We, the Invisibles
1/4" scale model of We, the Invisibles
Technical Drafting
Ground plan for We, the Invisibles
Ground plan for We, the Invisibles
Desk draft package for We, the Invisibles
Desk draft package for We, the Invisibles
Periaktos draft package for She Loves Me
Periaktos draft package for She Loves Me
Wall tile draft package for We, the Invisibles
Wall tile draft package for We, the Invisibles